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Trip to The living rocks

Uncover forgotten HISTORY and GEO. Go explore wilderness in a hill. Locate secrets hidden in plain sight. Spot geological features. Discover how culture and environment are connected.

Scenic landscapes. Hero-stones. A hill climb. Rural peace and quiet.

History: Temple ruins, artefacts, hero-stones

GEO: Rock formations, geological details

ECO: Dragonflies, butterflies or more.

1,600.00 inc. GST
SKU: 10-1

Product Description

Getaway not just from the city, but also the highway! Venture deep off-into-the-rural. Discover really old remnants of history standing still. Later visit a unique hill form, discover few hidden secrets, calm places under the trees or group of rocks.

Two places in a single trip. Various spots of historical interest – ruins, hero-stones and more. Return having learned about the earth and history. The views and discovering secrets on our own is just spectacular!


Go beyond the Hoysalas, discover the Gangas!


Peculiar rock formation and geological features and insights into the formation of the rocks and earth.


For the keen, there are always butterflies, dragonflies, birds or some peculiar larvae in the bushes